Tennessee U.S. Reps. Andy Ogles, Tim Burchett Named Top Defenders of Liberty by the Republican Liberty Caucus

Tennessee U.S. Representatives Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) and Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) have been recognized as the Top Defenders of Liberty in 2023 by the Republican Liberty Caucus.

The Republican Liberty Caucus publishes its liberty-focused scorecard each year for Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Each member is given a Liberty Score based on how they vote on 20 pieces of legislation throughout the year that “either advance liberty or diminish liberty.”

The highest possible Liberty Score a member could earn is 100.

In 2023, only one U.S. Representative, Thomas Massie (R-KY-04), earned the highest Liberty Score of 100.

Congressmen Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) and Eli Crane (R-AZ-02) were recognized for their near-perfect scores, as both earned Liberty Scores of 97.

Ogles earned a score of 95, followed by U.S. Representatives Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL-13) and Alex Mooney (R-WV-02) who earned scores of 94; Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01), Bob Good (R-VA-05), Paul Gosar (R-AZ-09), Scott Perry (R-PA-10), and Matt Rosendale (R-MT-02) who earned scores of 92; and Dan Bishop (R-NC-08) who earned a score of 91.

Burchett, along with 15 other Republican members, earned a Liberty Score of 90.

“The Top Defenders of Liberty demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the principles of individual liberty, limited government and free markets,” the Republican Liberty Caucus wrote in a press release. “This means they voted against wasteful spending, they stood up for our constitutional rights, they voted to repeal unneeded laws/regulations, and they supported a non-interventionist foreign policy that keeps American troops out of undeclared wars.”

Tennessee U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) was the next highest-scoring member from the Volunteer State with a score of 85.

Meanwhile, congressman Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN-03) earned a score of 50, congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) earned a score of 65, representatives John Rose (R-TN-06) and Mark Green (R-TN-07) both earned scores of 70, and congressman David Kustoff (R-TN-08) earned a score of 45.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Rep. Andy Ogles” by Rep. Andy Ogles and “Rep Tim Burchett” by US House of Representatives.


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3 Thoughts to “Tennessee U.S. Reps. Andy Ogles, Tim Burchett Named Top Defenders of Liberty by the Republican Liberty Caucus”

  1. Cannoneertwo

    What has Andy Ogles actually done?


    I am proud of these two Elected Representatives. Let’s hope they stay on track. If they keep their closets clean, the corrupt FBI will not be able to compromise them. thats the only thing that has saved President Trump. Trump is the most investigated politician in the world, yet the weaponized Democrats in the DOJ & FBI have not been able to compromise him.

    I hope The Tennessee Republican Party is looking for real conservatives to Primary those who scored 70 or less, but I’ll be shocked if they do. Thats why I don’t give them money. I donate directly to the candidates I support.
    I won’t be voting for either U S Senator when their terms are up. Only one is up in 2024. They both voted to certify the Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 Election. And now it is their constituents who have to live under this Communist Regime that is running our country into the ground.
    The media is partly the fault as well. The Left biased media did not report the facts on the infamous January 6, 2021, because they were told by their leaders the Democrat Party to focus only all those “domestic terrorists”, as AG Merrick Garland calls them, who were actually encouraged to come into the Capitol by people dressed as cops.
    There were some violent players present that day, but those folks aren’t the ones the FBI wants to punish. It’s becoming clear with more videos being released that there were hundreds of Federal Assets dressed as Trump supporters who were creating the tensions in the crowd. However, only the Capitol Police & DC Cops had lethal and less than lethal weapons that were discharged on the One Million Legal Protesters who were assembled peacefully that day, in order to let our US Senators & Congressman know that we felt as though there was more than ample proof that major CHEATING occurred in the 2020 election. the People wanted their elected officials to send the results back to the States for review, which is perfectly legal. This exact same scenario had taken place in the election between GW Bush & Al Gore. The House of Representatives ended up voting that GW Bush was the winner.
    One of the major cheaters that has never been subjected to investigation, is Jeff Zuckerberg. Jeff Infused Millions of dollars directly to Election Commissions in swing States, and literally took over the elections process. This action not only broke State Laws, but I would opine Federal Election Laws as well. It absolutely affected how votes were collected & counted to throw the election to Biden. Everyone knew of this, but not one State AG filed a lawsuit to put Zuckerberg on trial for his illegal actions. Not one Congressman or U S Senator has called this crook before a committee to answer for his actions. The FBI colluded with Jeff Zuckerberg’s Social Media Platforms. Here we are three years later, and It’s just mind boggling how that BIG CHEATER got away clean as a whistle.
    And yet our two U S Senators ignored that & many other proofs of cheating in the election, even though the Tennessee Voters carried Trump in every county, except the two predictable ones Nashville & Memphis. The Tennessee Voters were betrayed that day. We have innocent Tennesseans sitting in the DC Gulag & other High Security Prisons in the Country, for the horrible offense of trespassing. And yet I still to this day have not heard one question from either of our US Senators about this massive violation of these good people’s civil rights, whose lives have been ruined.
    We all know that Nancy Pelosi & the Mayor of DC both turned down President Trump’s offer to provide thousands of National Guardsmen to keep peace in DC that day. Now that video is being released its clear as daylight, that Feds Assets, including the infamous Ray Epps were paid assets of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and yet Ray Epps just recently received Community Service Hours as his punishment. Is anyone besides me interested in seeing what that Community Service will look like? What government PSYOP will he have to participate in, in order to stay out of jail.
    Just yesterday Darren Beatty with Revolver News released video of the suspicious discovery of the pipe bomb planted outside the DNC Hdqtrs, where Kamala Harris was during the Stop the Steal Protest. the video shows a man walking over to to a DC Cop Car & a Secret Service Vehicle parked side by side outside the DNC Hdqtrs where the VP was inside. The pipe BOMB was just feet from their cars, yet they showed no urgency when the person walked over to their vehicles & reported the pipe bomb. No urgency at all. I mean they supposedly has swept the entire area prior to the VP’s arrival that day. they allowed children to walk by it. It’s as if they knew it was a fake bomb or something. HUH? That doesn’t happen, does it?

    Actually, Pelosi is in charge of Security at the Capitol, but both Pelosi & the DC Mayor turned down Trump’s offer in writing, even though all the Intel was saying there could be violence. But The FBI & Pelosi didn’t want anything to interfere with their planned PSYOP to make Trump & his supporters look like TERRORISTS.
    How is it the four men dressed in cops’ uniforms, guarding the door to the House Lobby, just all at once walked away as if on order. This gave Michael Byrd the ability to fire his weapon into the crowd without shooting an officer. instead, he shot & killed an unarmed young woman, Ashli Babbit. And oddly, to make way for Jayden Sullivan, a known Antifa thug, to get an up close & personal video of Ashli being shot & killed by DC Cop Michael BYRD. It’s all so “coincidental” like someone (Jayden perhaps?) was coordinating the horrific event. Ashli was a US Army Veteran who did 4 tours in Iraq, and someone thought killing her was a good thing for this country. The shooting was illegal, yet Byrd got a promotion for being a good little boy, because he was on the verge of being fired.
    Our entire government has been weaponized against the PEOPLE. Keep your head on a swivel, bc these evil people are desperate. We are watching as the most bazaar things are being don’t to keep Trump off the Ballot this year. They know they can’t beat Trump at the ballot box without cheating. God know what they are willing to do. More & more it’s obvious the rigged 2020 election must be resolved & the rotten people exposed & prosecuted of their crimes against our Country, or The SHINING STAR ON THE HILL will be no more.

  3. levelheadedconservative

    The Republicans in the House need an overhaul. Anyone who scored a 70 or lower needs to be primaried by a TRUE CONSERVATIVE who is willing, and able, to stand up to the Machine.
    President Trump is going to NEED a STRONG Republican Congress that is willing to stand on principle and make the tough votes. We NEED to deliver it to him!

    Stated another way, this article could have said, “the following are the RINOs in TN”:
    Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN-03) earned a score of 50,
    Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) earned a score of 65,
    John Rose (R-TN-06) and Mark Green (R-TN-07) both earned scores of 70,
    David Kustoff (R-TN-08) earned a score of 45.
